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L’Enfant et les Sortilèges/ L’Heure Espagnole

L’Enfant et les Sortilèges/ L’Heure Espagnole

© Jean Pierre Maurin

fantasy and poetry
James Bonas
Stage Director
Grégoire Pont


‘The pictures allow Ravel’s orchestration to breathe in all its glorious colourful range... adults and children alike take the opportunity to dive into the fantastic world of opera for an hour of continuous wonder’


Director James Bonas and animator Grégoire Pont bring to life two contrasting operas by Ravel: L'enfant et les sortilèges, a fantasy tale of childhood rebellion; and L'heure espagnole, a racy Spanish comedy. 

Pont’s advanced projection and animation techniques help to capture the fantasy and poetry of Ravel’s subtle aesthetics, working equally well on an opera stage and in concert hall, either as single pieces or side by side. Both works were originally commissioned by Opéra de Lyon.

‘My wish is to use animation as a living matter. Not to project video sequences on a screen as so often happens in concert, but that the animation turns up where one least expects it’

Grégoire Pont

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